★ the kpnfit app ★

let's reach our goals together in real time.

the kpnfit app is a subscription-based workout app with several programs, instant messaging, and an extra level of community for accountability.

get a free week subscription following the link below!

join the app
  • return policy

    all sales are final. programs are sent via email!

    if you have any questions or concerns, please contact kennedyneasefit@gmail.com. there will be no returns or exchanges for programs purchased. 

  • disclaimer

    by visiting this site, you authorize that you are at least 18 years of age or under a parent's supervision. while i do have certifications to represent my knowledge in the topics presented, my advice and programs do not replace medical advice or consultations. before beginning any program, consult your doctor for any risks or injuries that may exist. i will not be held responsible for any injuries or conditions that may occur.